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Thursday, January 1, 2015

New Year, New You: Create a Healing Goal To Move On!

Every New Year is an opportunity to become clean, fresh, new and shiny bright. It’s a chance to wipe the slate clean and make some decisions about your life. It’s all about believing it’s possible and then going out there and making it happen. First step is to have a HEALING GOAL.
This is a vivid movie in your mind that you can day-dream about and work on every single day. It has colors, sounds, feelings and a beginning, middle and ending. It’s a little vision of yourself healed, better, living a wonderful life.
So, here it is – my gift to you to use and enjoy:


1. Choose a very specific HEALING GOAL that you will work with on a daily basis. Make sure that this goal is something that is really important and meaningful to you. It should make you feel good imagining yourself having achieved that goal.
2. Create a picture in your mind’s eye that would indicate to you that your goal has already been accomplished. For example, if your goal is to heal from your past relationship and be even better off than you were before, your inspiring outcome might be that you are walking down the street, your head held high, looking gorgeous and feeling empowered, amazing, light and free. Your ex walks past you and calls your name. You wave and feel grateful and inspired. There is no worry or angst remaining as you go over to say hello. Your inspiring outcome is the end result. (You don’t have to have your ex in your goal, this is just an example).
3. To find your inspiring outcome, ask yourself the following three questions:
a. “How would I know that my goal had been accomplished?”
b. “Where would I be and what would I be doing when my goal has been accomplished?”
c. “What will I see, hear, and feel when my goal has been accomplished that will indicate to me that my goal is realized?”
4. Write out your HEALING GOAL describing in exact detail what you will see, hear, feel (emotionally and physically), taste and smell when your goal is complete.
Express your goal in all five senses:
• V – Visual (sight)
• A – Auditory (sound)
• K – Kinesthetic (feeling, both touch and emotion)
• G – Gustatory (taste)
• O – Olfactory (smell)
As your mind experiences reality, it filters reality through your five senses i.e. it receives input from what you are seeing, hearing, feeling, tasting and smelling.
Research shows that when you use your imagination like this, you can create an imagined experience so real that your mind cannot tell the difference between your imagined experience and reality. When this happens and your mind believes that your imagined experience is actually real, chemical reactions take place in your brain, effectively storing your imagined experience into your memory banks as if it were a real memory.
As you repeat this process of imagining over time, you can program new false memories into your mind. Your mind can then use these false memories as the basis for creating your reality.The end result of all this is that you can begin to think, feel and behave in new, more productive ways that will lead you closer to your goals. New ways of thinking, feeling and behaving have you attract new opportunities and resources into your life to help bring your dreams and goals into reality.
Note: You can hear each suggestion and can RELAX in the knowledge that YOU are making POSITIVE changes to your subconscious mind.
Imagine that your inspired outcome for realizing your perfect HEALING GOAL is to see yourself dancing and looking incredible and being adored by all the men around you. You feel amazing! Here is an example of what you might write down describing your HEALING GOAL.

Visual: (sight)

Flashing lights, bodies moving to the music, smiling people, arms up in the air, catch reflection of myself in the mirror looking amazing, gorgeous guys smiling at me and making motions towards me, champagne in tall glass…

Auditory: (hearing)

Hearing the music, glasses clanking together, murmuring of voices, laughing, guy asking me to dance etc…

Kinaesthetic: (touch)

Cold champagne in hand, feel warmth of a body next to mine, the touch of the fabric against my skin etc…

Kinaesthetic: (emotions)

Happy, contented, empowered, at peace, warm heart, excited, peaceful, grateful, appreciative, joy, mind quiet etc…

Gustatory: (taste)

Salty as I lick my lips, champagne etc…

Olfactory: (smell)

Champagne, after-shave etc…
Note: Before you program your mind, it is important to get specific about what you want to program your mind with. Fill in your HEALING GOAL using single words or short phrases. An example of what a completed HEALING GOAL looks like can be found below.

VAKGO sensory elements

To help you extract the VAKGO information from your HEALING GOAL, I have included a list of some sensory elements that make up each of your five senses.If you find yourself having difficulty creating some of the sensory information in your HEALING GOAL, go through the list below for the particular sense that you are working on, and see if it jogs your imagination.

Visual elements:

Size – big / small
Contrast – light / shade

Auditory elements:

Volume – loud / soft
Distance – near / far
Quality – clear / distorted
Background sounds

Kinaesthetic (touch) elements:

Temperature – hot / cold
Wind / water / rain against skin?
Texture and pressure
Clothing – how your clothes feel against your skin.
Are you holding anything in your hands? / Are you touching anything?
Are you sitting or lying down – if so, what does that feel like?
Movement and posture

Kinaesthetic (emotional) elements:

Emotional quality – e.g. joy, excitement, pride, gratitude etc…
Intensity – strong / weak
Location in your body – e.g. heart area, solar plexus area, head area.

Gustatory elements:

Intensity of taste
Hot / cold
Sweet / sour / salty

Olfactory elements:

Pungency / intensity of smell
Smells good / bad
Distance – close / far


Date: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………
My HEALING GOAL is (no more than a simple paragraph):
My inspired outcome is…
(write one or two sentences summarizing your outcome):
Visual (sight)
Auditory (hearing)
Kinaesthetic (touch)
Kinaesthetic (emotions)
Gustatory (taste)
Olfactory (smell)
Till next time,

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